The benefits of nearshoring in Portugal

The benefits of nearshoring in Portugal

October 18, 2022

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Portugal offers numerous wonderful features that make it the finest Nearshoring destination, aside from the fact that Portuguese people are extremely friendly, speak loudly, and enjoy over 290 days of sunlight annually. In addition to these wonderful features of life, Portugal is bringing about a true technical revolution in the area of nearshoring.

Below, we listed the most important motives for why you should choose Portugal as your nearshore location.



Portugal has a workforce that is highly qualified, experienced, and motivated. This nation has highly educated highly skilled, and situationally flexible IT personnel. This is mainly because six of Portugal’s technical universities are ranked among the top 500 in the world.

Portugal was placed 26 in the 2021 World Talent Ranking when factors like investment, development, appeal, and readiness were taken into account. that surpasses nations like France, Spain, and Japan.

Although this tourist-friendly nation is small, talent can be found everywhere. Portugal is projected to have 9 professional developers per 1,000 people.


Portugal, one of the most significant global marketplaces, shares a time zone with London and Ireland in addition to having wonderful weather and stunning beaches.

Additionally, other European nations like Germany, France, and the Netherlands are just an hour away. Portugal is the only European nation that has direct flights to Boston, New York, and San Francisco.

Portugal is a practical choice for IT service outsourcing thanks to its good location, which is a fantastic nearshoring advantage. It makes it easier for clients and the IT teams to collaborate and communicate.


Any organisation that is thinking about outsourcing its IT must prioritise cost savings. Portugal is a great choice when rates and benefits are taken into account. Along with skilled labour, you also receive communicative employees, a sensible time zone, and more reasonable prices.

The typical annual income for software developers in Portugal is around €20,000. Compared to the average annual salary of other professionals in the same field from other EU countries, this is a fairly reasonable number.

As we’ve already shown, Portugal has excellent talent available at incredible prices. However, living and investing in office space in Portugal is also very cost-effective. Your business can start saving money right away on office rent.

You can also test out one of the many coworking spaces located all across the country if you don’t want to hire a complete office for your IT team. If you choose Portugal for your IT nearshoring projects, it will be simple to locate reasonably priced spaces for your outsourcing staff.

Language & Culture

Portuguese people are adept at picking up new languages and adjusting to them. Given these facts, it comes as no surprise that Portugal is among the nations with the greatest levels of English literacy worldwide.

This implies that businesses won’t have any issue getting top staff who is fluent in multiple languages. Your foreign tech teams will communicate without any problems thanks to nearshoring in Portugal.

Portuguese people are very sociable, flexible, and welcoming. and are constantly open to interacting with people from other cultures so that we can share our own with them. Nearshoring companies may want to take this into account.

Portuguese corporate culture is notable for its emphasis on hard labour and collectivism. Because of this cultural characteristic, they take care of one another, collaborate to produce greater results, and treat teammates fairly.


Portugal ranks as the fourth-most peaceful nation in the world. And right now, peace is the most valuable thing. This ranking serves as a reliable indicator of this nation’s economic prospects.

You may rest assured that if you choose Portugal as your outsourcing location, bureaucracy won’t be a problem if nearshoring worries you. There is extremely little to no bureaucracy, and the legal system is fairly open.

Most licences and required paperwork can be purchased online. It only takes three days for the registration process to be finished if you want to start a business in Portugal. Portugal is the greatest option if you’re trying to avoid red tape.

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