Przemysław Woźniak: Sailing in a sea of technology

Przemysław Woźniak: Sailing in a sea of technology

August 23, 2022

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Przemysław Woźniak is a Backend Developer at Prime Engineering Poland. He’s had some experience in different technological areas and eventually ended up where he belongs: with us.


Przemysław, how long have you been with Prime Engineering Poland and what made you choose us?

It’s been almost 4 months already. I joined Prime Engineering Poland because of the opportunity to work on an interesting, yet challenging project.

You’re a backend developer. When and how did you decide this is what you wanted to do?

I’ve always liked systems that need to be reliable, secure and performant. Backend fits my interests perfectly and it’s also highly demanded by the industry.

We’re aware that you’ve also had some experience with different areas. Which one has been the most rewarding so far?

I believe I’m currently at the most rewarding point of my career. After many years of hard work, I’m finally working in a technology I feel most comfortable in.

And you’ve taught some classes on Building Energy Efficiency Auditing? What was it like?

Demanding, but at the same time satisfying when you see engaged students presenting high-quality final class projects.

In your spare time, we’ve heard that you like to sail and play bass. These are really different hobbies. How do you think they help you relax?

Both sailing and playing bass let you forget about your daily troubles. It’s just you, a boat, or an instrument.

And last but not least, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting their career in the same area as you?

Follow the latest technology trends and solutions. IT industry rapidly evolves – you need to keep up with it.


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