Much More than a Change Manager, a Natural Talent

Much More than a Change Manager, a Natural Talent

September 18, 2024

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In Góra, near Poznań, Adrian Skrzypiec lives a life marked by tranquillity and natural beauty. Surrounded by fresh air, wild animals, and supportive neighbours, his home contrasts sharply with the challenging world of change management. Not every company is lucky enough to have “an Adrian” on their team – a versatile professional who masters the structured and human aspects of organisational change.

Adrian’s childhood dreams were simple: “I just wanted to be happy,” he explains. His early years were filled with various adventures, and while he didn’t have a specific career path in mind, he always aimed to be trustworthy and do things to the best of his ability.


What is a Change Manager?

A Change Manager is someone who helps organisations smoothly transition through important changes, whether it’s implementing new technology, restructuring the company, or changing business processes. Their main goal is to ensure that these changes are embraced by everyone involved, from the top executives to the employees on the ground.

Shortly, a Change Manager is like a bridge between where a company is today and where it wants to be tomorrow.


The Soft and Hard parts

In his professional life, Adrian defines change management as a science and an art. He breaks it down into “hard” and “soft” parts. The hard side involves creating training strategies, developing curricula, and managing all aspects of training implementation. “This part is about creating detailed plans and ensuring all materials are of high quality,” he notes. It includes everything from working with trainers to translating documents into different languages. On the softer side, change management is more about people. It involves communication at various levels to ensure everyone impacted by the change is informed and engaged. “All people impacted by change must be aligned. They need to know what happened, what is happening, and what will happen,” Adrian explains.

Adrian’s entry into change management was a natural progression from his previous role as a Process Engineer. He recalls, “I was taught how to be organised and plan processes. Through this role, I discovered my ability to merge structured planning with addressing human needs.” His shift into change management was influenced by a supervisor who recognised his talent for working with people, a skill that proved to be crucial in his new role.



“Be the Wonder Woman and the Captain America of this World”

What sets Adrian apart is his commitment to respecting and understanding others. He firmly believes in the motto “Whatever you promise, always deliver,” and applies it to every aspect of his work. Adrian underlines that successful change management requires not only strategic planning but also a deep understanding of people’s emotions and reactions. “Be the Wonder Woman and the Captain America of this world,” he advises, highlighting the need for empathy and integrity in his role.

The most challenging aspect of his job, according to Adrian, is self-management. “As a change manager, I need to guide and motivate others, convincing them of the best approach while maintaining their trust,” he admits. It’s a role that demands both courage and clarity, and he often finds himself struggling with the typical challenges of tough decisions.

One memorable moment of joy for Adrian came during a recent project. He was thrilled by how quickly he earned the trust of his team. “They listened to me and shared their challenges. It motivated me to give more each day,” he told us. This trust led to a series of celebrations, including a pizza day, a professional photo session, and a large GoLive event, demonstrating his ability to foster a positive and collaborative environment.

Beyond his professional life, Adrian has diverse personal interests. He enjoys playing basketball, table tennis, and football, using his passion to motivate his teammates. Adrian collects stamps and Polish coins and has a dream of travelling with his family to Asia and the Americas to experience different cultures.

Adrian Skrzypiec’s life and career embody a unique mix of professional expertise and personal curiosity. His ability to handle complex change management tasks and, at the same time, maintain a rich personal life makes him a remarkable and memorable figure in his field. And maybe we should question if he was born for the job or if the job was born for him.


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