How the Right Project Delivery Method Makes All the Difference

How the Right Project Delivery Method Makes All the Difference

March 13, 2024

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It is becoming increasingly vital for technological businesses to adopt a systematic approach or framework to plan, design, and execute a project from the beginning.  This is where the project delivery method enters the picture.

By outlining processes, procedures, and the proper dynamics to organise and achieve specific goals, the project delivery method identifies potential risks early in the planning phase and establishes mitigation strategies. This proactive approach reduces the probability of project disruptions and ensures a more predictable development journey.

There are different delivery methods and approaches regarding the structure and the stage of every business model. Let’s take a look.



Waterfall Model: Step-by-Step  

 This model follows a sequential and linear proposition, with distinctive phases, such as requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment – all executed in a fixed order. Each phase flows almost independently, with the output of one phase serving as the input for the next.

The waterfall approach places a strong emphasis on documentation at each phase. Detailed documentation is created to capture requirements, design specifications, and testing procedures. It serves as a reference throughout the project life cycle.

Client involvement is typically higher during the initial phases (requirements and design) and decreases as the project progresses. Clients are often presented with the final product after the testing and implementation phases.

However, one of the criticisms of the Waterfall Model is its rigidity and inflexibility components. Once a phase is completed, it is challenging to go back and make changes without impacting the entire project. This lack of flexibility can be a limitation, especially when dealing with evolving requirements.


Agile Methodologies (Scrum): Time to Be Flexible

Agile methodologies represent adaptability in a fast-paced IT environment, defined by continuous improvement. Characterized by iterative development cycles and a commitment to continuous improvement, these methodologies build the perfect path for reshaping businesses.

This agile framework provides a structured yet flexible way to manage and deliver projects. It relies on a set of roles, ceremonies, and artifacts to guide the team through the development process.

Choosing the right project delivery method, such as Scrum, can make a significant difference by promoting adaptability, customer satisfaction, efficient resource utilization, and early delivery of value. Scrum adds value through its structured framework, fostering collaboration, transparency, continuous improvement, and customer feedback throughout the development process.

In agile methodologies, changes are not just expected but welcomed. Collaboration with clients is at the forefront, making sure that evolving requirements are seamlessly integrated, and the product remains accordingly with the client’s vision.


Development-Operations: Smoothly, Working Together

Traditional software development was used to create a chasm between development and operations teams. Development-Operations (DevOps) helps break those barriers, and cross-functional collaboration is encouraged to ensure that everyone is aligned toward common goals.

Developers focused on creating new features, while operations teams were responsible for deploying and maintaining the software. This separation could lead to communication gaps, slower deployment cycles, and increased chances of errors.

DevOps promotes a philosophy where both development and operations teams share responsibility for the entire software delivery lifecycle. This encourages a sense of ownership and collaboration in project management methodologies.



Client Satisfaction

Client satisfaction is the ultimate destination for an IT consulting company. A project delivery method, especially those with customer-centric frameworks, like we’ve covered in Scrum, emphasizes continuous client involvement. This ensures that the end product aligns with client expectations, fostering satisfaction and building long-term relationships.

In the realm of IT, a well-structured project delivery method is the light that guides development teams through the particularities of project execution. It ensures clarity, efficient resource utilization, adaptability to change, effective risk management, and, ultimately, client satisfaction.

Embracing a robust project delivery method is not merely a choice; it is the GPS that can lead companies to successful project destinations, making the journey as significant as the destination itself.


Are you looking for the perfect partner to help you choose the right project delivery method for your business? Leave us a message! We’re here to help you.