DevOps to improve time in market

DevOps to improve time in market

March 2, 2023

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The continuous evolution of IT systems and the increasing revenues in the market paved the way for a more competitive market in the technological world. Speed has then become one of the main demands for a business to succeed and stay ahead of the competition. As industries are looking for digital transformation, arises a need to find ways to enhance and accelerate the delivery of new applications, services, and capabilities.

It has never been so crucial for enterprises to optimize their software development to gain a comparative advantage, so every company strives to bring applications to market more quickly. DevOps has long been a must for companies to improve time in the market and is already successful in many areas. In the IT field, DevOps shows how software development and IT operations can work together to reduce time to market.


How is DevOps helping businesses grow?

The acronym DevOps stands for Development & Operations. DevOps is a delivery model for a set of tools that simplifies collaboration between an organization’s software development team and the operations team.

The primary purpose of DevOps is to minimize the miscommunication between teams and optimize the process of development, testing, integration, and deployment with automation, iteration, and collaboration. By working with automation tools, the development and operation teams decrease the number of repetitive tasks and allocate more time for strategic decisions.

This automation strategy aims to improve collaboration, monitoring, management, and reporting, and especially reduce the software development life cycle to provide rapid IT solutions. DevOps also aims to ensure that every action carried out in the software delivery process can be tracked, which can improve a business’s efficiency.

DevOps is a great way to enhance your organizational performance and help your business grow – it ensures faster resolution of problems, allows features to be delivered faster by reducing time to market, and businesses to present a higher employee engagement. This strategy enables a business to adopt a more flexible approach to its markets and bring new products and services to the market.

What are the benefits of DevOps?

Faster delivery of features and modifications

When development teams build software, they connect with IT operations to send the software for testing, and they need to create a completely new testing environment or add modifications to it. In this sense, a developer can only deploy code to the software when the operations team tests the product, which is a very time-consuming process.

Through increased collaboration and automation tools, it is easier to move the product from the development phase to the production phase. DevOps eliminates these time-consuming tasks from the software development process by introducing automated testing of web apps. In this way, developers can make changes in the code base more quickly and reduce the time to market.


Enhance efficiency

Using DevOps, a business can adapt more easily to changing markets and bring forth new products and services. When businesses use automated testing and integration, developers save time on the configuration of a product or code integration.

DevOps reduces the workload for the IT operations team, so the development team can allocate more time to work on more challenging tasks, such as the development of updates or new IT solutions that add more value to the company. In this way, this process enhances the efficiency of a business by giving more time to work on other projects and stay ahead of the technological competition.


Product quality code and failure detection

When new software is released to the market, developers often start working on their next project. If there is any problem related to the software, usually the task is assigned to the operations team. However, DevOps keeps developers involved during the entire life cycle of a software product for updating any feature or application, which results in improved quality code. This continuous monitoring allows developers to easily track and eliminate potential problems when writing the code.



DevOps can improve teamwork since it encourages collaboration between the development team and the IT operations team. Both teams are involved in the entire life cycle of the product, so there is more transparency in the development process as well as in the decision-making. The main goal of this collaboration between teams is to increase software product quality and improve the process of changes and upgrades.


If you are interested in employing DevOps to improve your business, we have a high-skilled IT team to give you a hand. Talk to us! 

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